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  • Writer's pictureKimberly Beard

1st Day of School

Updated: Sep 26, 2019

I am a teacher mom and today is the first day of school...

We began buying supplies weeks ago before Walmart even finished stocking the shelves. We finished clothes shopping at the last minute. We even argued over shoes and if we should get haircuts. Yesterday we packed lunch, picked out the first day of school clothes, discussed logistics and went to bed early...well, EARLIER than we had all summer. Our minds were working harder than a preacher with a water pistol taking on Hell's fire. Going to sleep the night before the first day of school is like trying to fall asleep the night before Christmas! You know the feeling. Did I remember everything? Am I prepared? Does this alarm even work anymore???

The alarm goes off. My heart begins to race. It's the first day of school! I always schedule my wake up time an hour before my daughter-for my sanity and her safety! Most people don't get the privilege of taking their children to work with them every day. That's usually reserved for special days at work with some cutsie theme, cupcakes and smiles. When my daughter goes to work with me we're usually putting on shoes, eating, and planning where dinner will be picked up while we're speeding to get to campus. Our goal is to beat the kinder teachers to the copy machine because I fly by the seat of my pants on most days.

We pull into the parking lot and geez this place is CRAZY! No parking here. I guess I'll park streetside and hike in and let my makeup drip and the sweat pool in my bra. Texas heat ain't no punk. As we make it up the sidewalk with 30 pounds of supplies my daughter says, "Mom, my heart is pounding! I'm so nervous!" I smile at her, remind her she's a professional as a second grader and scurry her to the front entrance so we have time for a picture before heading inside.

I am a teacher mom and today is the first day of school

We are greeted at the entrance by our second family. I call the staff at NS family because we spend more time on our campus with these people than we do at home for nine months out of the year. Everyone is smiling waving, hugging, and so happy to start fresh. I'm ignoring the sound of the crying kindergarteners being ripped from their parent's arms. I could never teach the littles! This is why I'm certified 4-8. God bless those kinder teachers! We make it to my daughter's class and she is annoyed that I know everyone in the room. I tell her goodbye, remind her to text me if she needs anything (only while she's in the restroom, at lunch or on the playground of course) and snap a quick pic before leaving her for the day.

I hurry down the hall so I can catch some teammates and wish them a great first day of school and of course take a selfie. I then turn, catch my breath, smile and head for the exit. No, it's not a fire drill or the first day of school campus tour-I'm actually leaving for the day.


This year I am choosing to be a mom teacher. Notice the difference from teacher mom. I learned over the last ten years of teaching that my priorities were backwards. Each year I welcomed an average of 75 fifth graders into my classroom and into my heart and spent more time with them than my own children. Teaching is more than a job. It's a responsibility, a lifestyle, a mindset, and a blessing. So are my children. This year I did not sign a contract. Instead I will be learning how to be a life changer for my own children before everyone else's.

I am a mom who happens to be a teacher and today is the first day of school.

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